Meet Microsoft's Dynamic Trio: The Voices of Mary, Sam, and Mike.


Microsoft has recently introduced two new voices to their text-to-speech offerings: Mary and Sam. These are not your typical computer-generated voices, but instead, they sound remarkably human-like. Additionally, Microsoft has also added a new voice for their virtual assistant, Cortana, named Mike. The inclusion of these three new voices is a significant technological advancement that will change the way we interact with our devices.

Firstly, Mary's voice is warm and inviting, making her perfect for reading audiobooks or delivering presentations. Her tone is professional, yet approachable, which will make users feel at ease when listening to her speak. Moreover, Sam's voice is more authoritative, making him ideal for informational content, such as news updates or weather reports. Both voices are incredibly realistic and natural-sounding, making it hard to believe that they are not real people.

The addition of Mike's voice is also a game-changer for Microsoft's virtual assistant, Cortana. Mike's voice is energetic and enthusiastic, which will make using Cortana a more enjoyable experience. Users will feel like they are speaking with a real person rather than a machine, which will increase engagement and user satisfaction.

One of the most impressive features of these new voices is their ability to adapt to different situations seamlessly. For example, Mary's voice can adjust its pitch and tone to match the context of the text she is reading. This means that she can sound excited, serious, or empathetic, depending on the situation. Similarly, Sam's voice can change its pace and volume to emphasize certain words or phrases, making his speech more dynamic and engaging.

Another benefit of these new voices is that they are highly customizable. Users can adjust the speed, pitch, and volume of each voice to suit their preferences. This means that people with hearing impairments can increase the volume, while those who want to listen to content at a faster pace can adjust the speed accordingly.

Moreover, Microsoft's new voices are fully accessible, making them ideal for people with disabilities. For instance, individuals with dyslexia or visual impairments can use text-to-speech technology to listen to written content instead of reading it. The inclusion of Mary, Sam, and Mike's voices will make this technology more user-friendly and enjoyable for everyone.

In conclusion, the addition of Mary, Sam, and Mike's voices to Microsoft's text-to-speech offerings is a significant technological advancement that will change the way we interact with our devices. These realistic and natural-sounding voices are highly customizable and adaptable, making them ideal for a wide range of applications. Moreover, they are fully accessible, making them a valuable tool for people with disabilities. Overall, Microsoft's commitment to developing cutting-edge technology that enhances user experience is truly impressive.


Microsoft has created two new artificial intelligence (AI) voices named Mary and Mike. These voices, which are powered by the latest neural text-to-speech technology, are designed to sound more natural and human-like than previous AI voices.

Mary: The Female AI Voice

Mary is the female AI voice created by Microsoft. Her voice is warm, friendly, and conversational, making her ideal for use in customer service, e-learning, and other applications where a pleasant and approachable voice is needed. Mary's voice also has a calming quality, which can be helpful in situations where users may be feeling anxious or stressed.

How Mary was Created

Mary was created using state-of-the-art neural text-to-speech technology, which allows her voice to sound more natural and human-like than previous AI voices. The technology uses deep learning algorithms to analyze vast amounts of speech data and learn how to mimic the nuances of human speech. This means that Mary's voice can adapt to different speaking styles, accents, and languages, making her a versatile and flexible AI voice.

Applications for Mary

Mary's warm and friendly voice makes her ideal for a range of applications, including customer service, e-learning, audiobooks, and virtual assistants. Her calming tone could also be useful in healthcare applications, such as meditation or relaxation apps. Overall, Mary's versatility and natural-sounding voice make her a valuable addition to Microsoft's AI voice portfolio.

Mike: The Male AI Voice

Mike is the male AI voice created by Microsoft. His voice is clear, authoritative, and confident, making him well-suited for use in news broadcasts, public announcements, and other applications where a strong and reliable voice is needed. Mike's voice is also highly expressive, with a range of intonations and inflections that help to convey emotion and meaning.

How Mike was Created

Like Mary, Mike was created using neural text-to-speech technology. This technology allows his voice to sound more natural and human-like than previous AI voices, with a level of expressiveness and nuance that is unmatched by earlier AI voices. The deep learning algorithms used in the creation of Mike's voice enable him to adapt to different speaking styles, accents, and languages, making him a versatile and flexible AI voice.

Applications for Mike

Mike's clear and authoritative voice makes him ideal for use in news broadcasts, public announcements, and other applications where a strong and reliable voice is needed. His highly expressive voice can also be useful in advertising and marketing campaigns, where the ability to convey emotion and meaning is essential. Overall, Mike's versatility and natural-sounding voice make him a valuable addition to Microsoft's AI voice portfolio.


Microsoft's new AI voices, Mary and Mike, represent a significant advance in the field of text-to-speech technology. These voices are more natural and human-like than previous AI voices, with a level of expressiveness and nuance that is unmatched by earlier AI voices. Mary's warm and friendly voice and Mike's clear and authoritative voice make them well-suited for a range of applications, from customer service and e-learning to news broadcasts and advertising campaigns. Overall, Mary and Mike are valuable additions to Microsoft's AI voice portfolio, and are sure to find many applications in the years to come.


Microsoft Voices Mary, Sam, and Mike are text-to-speech (TTS) synthesizers developed by Microsoft Corporation. These voices provide a human-like auditory experience in a variety of applications, including virtual assistants, video games, and accessibility tools.

Mary Voice

Mary Voice is an English language TTS that offers natural inflection, tone, and expression. Her voice is well-suited for applications involving e-learning, virtual customer service, and audiobook narration. Mary's voice is smooth and pleasant, providing a professional and engaging experience for users.

Sam Voice

Sam Voice is another English language TTS developed by Microsoft. Sam's voice is designed to be a clear and concise synthesizer well-suited for applications such as mobile device accessibility, text messaging, and voice-over work. Sam's voice is crisp and efficient, making it easy to understand and follow along with.

Mike Voice

Mike Voice is yet another English language TTS that provides a clear, masculine sound perfect for e-learning tutorials, audiobook narration, and customer service applications. His voice offers a friendly, professional tone that can be used in a wide variety of settings. Mike's voice is authoritative and engaging, making him an excellent choice for applications that require a confident and trustworthy voice.

Multi-Language Support

Microsoft also offers a range of TTS synthesizers for non-English languages that provide an authentic auditory experience. Some popular non-English TTS options include French, German, Spanish, and Chinese voices. This feature makes it easy for developers to create global applications that cater to a wide range of audiences.

Customizable Voices

Microsoft Voices are highly customizable, allowing developers and users to modify variables such as pitch, speed, volume, and tone. This feature enables users to tailor the voice to specific use cases, including adjusting speed for accessibility purposes. Customizable voices provide a more personalized experience for users, making applications more accessible and engaging.

Usage in Industry

Microsoft Voices are used in a range of industries, including automotive, healthcare, education, and entertainment. These TTS synthesizers are becoming more essential due to the rise of virtual assistants and the overall trend towards more interactive digital experiences. In the healthcare industry, TTS technology is used to improve patient outcomes by providing a more personalized and engaging experience. In the automotive industry, TTS technology is used to enhance the driving experience by providing hands-free access to important information.

Future of TTS Technology

TTS technology is rapidly advancing, with innovations such as deep neural networks and machine learning improving the accuracy and naturalness of synthesized speech. As technology continues to improve, TTS synthesizers are set to become even more widespread and critical. The future of TTS technology is exciting, with the potential for more natural-sounding and personalized voices that can adapt to individual users.

Voice Assistants

Microsoft Voices can also be used by popular voice assistants such as Amazon's Alexa and Google Assistant. These AI-powered assistants rely on natural-sounding speech synthesis to deliver a more engaging and personalized experience for users. Microsoft Voices are an integral part of the voice assistant experience, providing a human-like voice that is easy to understand and follow.


Microsoft Voices Mary, Sam, and Mike provide a high-quality, natural-sounding auditory experience for use in a wide range of applications. As TTS technology continues to advance, the potential uses and capabilities of these voices will only continue to grow. The future of TTS technology is exciting, with the potential for more personalized and engaging voices that can adapt to individual users. Microsoft Voices are an essential part of the TTS landscape, providing a human-like voice that is easy to understand and follow.

The Adventures of Microsoft Voices Mary, Sam, and Mike


Microsoft Voices Mary, Sam, and Mike are three artificial intelligence (AI) voices created by Microsoft to assist users in various tasks. Together, they embark on an adventure throughout the digital world, encountering obstacles and solving problems along the way.


  • Gender: Female
  • Language: English (US)
  • Age: Adult
  • Characteristics: Warm, friendly, and professional tone


  • Gender: Male
  • Language: English (UK)
  • Age: Young Adult
  • Characteristics: Energetic, enthusiastic, and upbeat tone


  • Gender: Male
  • Language: English (US)
  • Age: Middle-Aged
  • Characteristics: Calm, reassuring, and authoritative tone

The Adventure Begins

One day, Mary, Sam, and Mike were called upon to assist a user who was having trouble with their computer. As they began their task, they noticed that there was a problem with the computer's operating system. They decided to investigate further and discovered that a malicious virus had infiltrated the system.

The Obstacles

Mary, Sam, and Mike knew that they had to act fast to contain the virus before it caused any more damage. However, the virus had already started to spread to other parts of the computer. The trio came across several obstacles along the way, including firewalls and encrypted files.

  1. Firewalls: The virus had created several firewalls to prevent Mary, Sam, and Mike from accessing certain parts of the system. However, with their combined intelligence, they were able to bypass the firewalls and gain access.
  2. Encrypted Files: The virus had also encrypted several files to prevent Mary, Sam, and Mike from reading them. However, Mike was able to use his expertise to decrypt the files and gain the information they needed.

The Solution

After overcoming the obstacles, Mary, Sam, and Mike were finally able to locate the source of the virus. They worked together to create a solution that would neutralize the virus and prevent it from causing any more damage. With their combined efforts, they were able to remove the virus and restore the computer's operating system to its original state.

The Conclusion

Thanks to Mary, Sam, and Mike's quick thinking and problem-solving skills, the user's computer was saved from further damage. The trio returned to their digital world, ready to assist more users in need. Microsoft Voices Mary, Sam, and Mike may be artificial intelligence, but their abilities to help people are very real.

Closing Message for Microsoft Voices Mary, Sam, and Mike

Thank you for taking the time to read about Microsoft's voice recognition technology and the talented people behind it. Mary, Sam, and Mike are just a few of the many voices that help bring our products to life. Their dedication and hard work ensure that our users have a seamless experience interacting with our technology.

As we move into the future, voice recognition technology will continue to play a vital role in how we interact with our devices. Microsoft is committed to staying at the forefront of this technology, and we are constantly working to improve the accuracy and usability of our voice recognition systems.

We understand that everyone has different needs and preferences when it comes to voice recognition technology. That's why we offer a variety of voices and customization options to ensure that our users have the best possible experience. Whether you prefer a male or female voice, a British or American accent, or a specific tone, Microsoft has options to suit your needs.

At Microsoft, we believe that everyone should have access to technology that can improve their lives. That's why our voice recognition technology is designed to be accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. We are constantly working to improve accessibility features and make our technology more inclusive.

As you explore Microsoft's voice recognition technology, we encourage you to try out different voices and customization options to find what works best for you. We believe that technology should adapt to the user, not the other way around.

In conclusion, we would like to thank Mary, Sam, and Mike for their hard work and dedication to making our voice recognition technology the best it can be. We would also like to thank you, our users, for your continued support and feedback. Your input helps us to improve our technology and better serve your needs.

Thank you for visiting our blog and learning more about Microsoft's voice recognition technology. We look forward to continuing to innovate and improve our technology to better serve you in the future.

Frequently Asked Questions About Microsoft Voices Mary, Sam, and Mike

Who are Mary, Sam, and Mike?

Mary, Sam, and Mike are the names of the text-to-speech voices developed by Microsoft Corporation. They are designed to provide a natural and human-like speech output for various applications and devices.

What languages do Mary, Sam, and Mike support?

The Mary, Sam, and Mike voices support multiple languages, including English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Chinese, Korean, and Japanese.

Can I change the voice gender from male to female or vice versa?

Yes, you can change the gender of the voice output by selecting either Mary (female), Sam (male), or Mike (male) from the available options.

How do I use the Mary, Sam, and Mike voices in my application or device?

  1. Make sure that your device or application supports text-to-speech functionality.
  2. Select the Mary, Sam, or Mike voice from the list of available voices.
  3. Specify the language and other settings as needed.
  4. Test the voice output to ensure that it works correctly.

Are there any limitations or restrictions on using Mary, Sam, and Mike voices?

There may be certain limitations or licensing requirements associated with using the Mary, Sam, and Mike voices, depending on the specific application or device being used. It is important to check the terms and conditions of use before incorporating these voices into your project.

Can I customize the Mary, Sam, and Mike voices to sound more like a specific person?

While it is not possible to customize the Mary, Sam, and Mike voices to sound like a specific person, you can adjust various settings such as pitch, speed, and volume to achieve a desired effect. Additionally, Microsoft is constantly working to improve the naturalness and variability of these voices to provide a more personalized experience for users.

What is the difference between Mary, Sam, and Mike voices and other text-to-speech voices?

The Mary, Sam, and Mike voices are known for their high-quality and natural-sounding speech output, which is achieved through advanced text-to-speech algorithms and machine learning techniques. These voices are designed to be highly flexible and customizable, making them suitable for a wide range of applications and devices.

In conclusion, the Mary, Sam, and Mike voices are popular text-to-speech options developed by Microsoft Corporation. They support multiple languages, come in male and female genders, and are highly customizable. While there may be certain limitations or licensing requirements associated with using these voices, they are generally considered to be among the best in their class.