Microsoft Planner Vs Monday: Which Project Management Tool is Right for Your Team?


When it comes to project management tools, there are a plethora of options available in the market. Two such popular names are Microsoft Planner and These two tools are often compared against each other due to their similarities in functionality and features. However, there are some noticeable differences that set them apart from each other. In this article, we'll delve into the details of Microsoft Planner vs Monday and help you decide which tool might be the right fit for your team's needs.

Firstly, let's talk about Microsoft Planner. This tool is a part of the Office 365 suite and is designed to help teams manage their projects more efficiently. One of the key strengths of Microsoft Planner is its integration with other Office 365 apps. You can easily access Planner from your Microsoft Teams or SharePoint site, and it also offers seamless integration with Outlook. This makes it a convenient choice for teams already using the Office 365 suite.

On the other hand, is a cloud-based project management tool that provides a visual platform for teams to collaborate on projects. It offers a simple and intuitive interface that allows users to create custom boards, tasks, and timelines. One of the standout features of is its flexibility. You can use it to manage any type of project, from marketing campaigns to software development projects.

When it comes to pricing, both Microsoft Planner and offer different plans based on the size and needs of your team. Microsoft Planner is included in most Office 365 subscriptions, making it an affordable option for small to medium-sized businesses., on the other hand, has a slightly steeper price point, but it does offer more advanced features and customization options.

Another factor to consider is the level of customization offered by these tools. Microsoft Planner offers a limited range of customization options, whereas provides a high level of flexibility in terms of customizing workflows, boards, and templates. This makes it a popular choice for teams with unique project management needs.

When it comes to collaboration features, both Microsoft Planner and offer similar functionalities. You can create and assign tasks, set due dates, and collaborate with team members on specific projects. However, takes it a step further by providing real-time updates and notifications to team members, ensuring that everyone is on the same page.

One area where Microsoft Planner stands out is its integration with Power BI. This allows users to create custom reports and dashboards based on their project data. also offers reporting features, but they are not as extensive as those offered by Microsoft Planner.

In terms of customer support, both tools offer online documentation, tutorials, and email support. also provides live chat support, which can be helpful for teams needing quick assistance.

Overall, both Microsoft Planner and are excellent project management tools with their own unique strengths. The choice ultimately depends on your team's specific needs and preferences. If you're already using the Office 365 suite and need a simple project management tool, then Microsoft Planner might be the right choice for you. However, if you're looking for a more customizable and flexible solution, then might be the better option.

Regardless of which tool you choose, it's important to have a solid project management strategy in place to ensure that your team stays on track and achieves its goals.


When it comes to project management tools, there are a lot of options out there. Two popular choices are Microsoft Planner and Monday. While both platforms offer similar features, there are some key differences between the two that can affect which one is the best fit for your team. In this article, we'll take a closer look at both Microsoft Planner and Monday to help you make an informed decision.

Overview of Microsoft Planner

Microsoft Planner is a task management tool that is part of the Office 365 suite. It is designed to help teams organize their work and collaborate more effectively. With Planner, you can create tasks, assign them to team members, and track progress in real-time.

Features of Microsoft Planner

Some of the key features of Microsoft Planner include:

  • Task creation and assignment
  • Deadline tracking
  • File attachments
  • Commenting and collaboration
  • Integration with other Office 365 apps

Pros of Microsoft Planner

One of the biggest advantages of Microsoft Planner is its integration with other Office 365 apps. This makes it easy to collaborate on tasks and projects within the same ecosystem. Additionally, Planner is relatively easy to use and has a clean, intuitive interface. It's a great option for teams who are already using Office 365 and want a simple, straightforward task management solution.

Cons of Microsoft Planner

One downside of Microsoft Planner is its limited functionality. While it's great for basic task management, it may not be robust enough for larger or more complex projects. Additionally, the reporting and analytics capabilities of Planner are somewhat lacking compared to other project management tools.

Overview of Monday

Monday is a project management tool that is designed to help teams manage their work and collaborate more effectively. With Monday, you can create boards and tasks, assign them to team members, and track progress in real-time. It's a more robust solution than Microsoft Planner, with a wider range of features and functionality.

Features of Monday

Some of the key features of Monday include:

  • Customizable boards and workflows
  • Task creation and assignment
  • Deadline tracking
  • File attachments
  • Commenting and collaboration
  • Advanced reporting and analytics

Pros of Monday

One of the biggest advantages of Monday is its flexibility. With customizable boards and workflows, you can tailor the platform to your team's specific needs. Additionally, Monday offers more advanced reporting and analytics capabilities than Microsoft Planner. This makes it a great choice for teams who need to track data and metrics closely.

Cons of Monday

One downside of Monday is its learning curve. While it's a more powerful solution than Microsoft Planner, it can also be more complex to use. Additionally, Monday is a standalone platform, which means it doesn't integrate as seamlessly with other apps as Microsoft Planner does.

Which One Is Right for You?

Ultimately, the choice between Microsoft Planner and Monday comes down to your team's specific needs. If you're already using Office 365 and need a simple, straightforward task management tool, then Microsoft Planner may be the best choice for you. On the other hand, if you need a more robust solution with advanced reporting and analytics capabilities, then Monday may be the way to go.

It's worth noting that both platforms offer free trials, so you can test them out and see which one works best for your team. Additionally, there are other project management tools out there that may be worth considering, such as Trello, Asana, and Basecamp.


Both Microsoft Planner and Monday are great options for teams who need help managing their work and collaborating effectively. While they offer similar features, there are some key differences between the two that can affect which one is the best fit for your team. By considering the pros and cons of each platform, you can make an informed decision and choose the right tool for your needs.

When it comes to project management and organization tools, Microsoft Planner and Monday are two of the most popular options in the market. Both offer a range of features and capabilities that can help teams stay on track and collaborate effectively. However, there are key differences between the two platforms that should be considered when choosing which one to use. Functionality: Microsoft Planner offers a simple and user-friendly interface, making it easy for users to create and manage tasks, assign team members, and track progress. On the other hand, Monday offers a more robust set of features for project management and organization, including customizable workflows, automation, and advanced reporting tools. Depending on the needs of your team, one platform may be more suitable than the other.Integration: Microsoft Planner can be integrated with other Microsoft Office applications, such as Teams and Outlook. This can be helpful for teams that already use these tools as part of their workflow. Monday, on the other hand, offers integration with a wide range of third-party apps and services, including Google Drive, Trello, and Slack. This versatility can make it easier to incorporate Monday into existing workflows.Pricing: Microsoft Planner is included with Office 365 subscription plans at no additional cost, making it an affordable option for teams that already use Office tools. Monday, on the other hand, offers a flexible pricing model depending on the size and needs of a team. This can make it a better choice for teams that require more customization or advanced features.Customization: Monday allows for greater customization of workflows, with the ability to create custom boards, views, and automations. In contrast, Microsoft Planner is more limited in this regard, with fewer options for customization. If your team requires flexibility in how tasks are organized and managed, Monday may be a better choice.Time tracking: Monday offers built-in time tracking tools, allowing team members to log hours directly within the platform. Microsoft Planner, on the other hand, requires the use of third-party tools for time tracking. If time tracking is an important aspect of your team's workflow, Monday may be a more efficient option.Collaboration: Both Microsoft Planner and Monday offer collaboration features, but in slightly different ways. Microsoft Planner allows for real-time collaboration and commenting, making it easy for team members to communicate about tasks and progress. Monday, on the other hand, offers a more social communication platform for team members to collaborate, with features like chat and video conferencing.Templates: Monday offers a greater variety of customizable templates for project management, with options for different industries and project types. Microsoft Planner provides a basic set of templates, which may be sufficient for some teams but lacking for others. If your team requires specific templates for their projects, Monday may be a better choice.Mobile accessibility: Both Microsoft Planner and Monday offer mobile apps for iOS and Android devices, allowing users to access their tasks and projects on the go. However, Monday's app is more user-friendly and feature-rich, with the ability to create and edit tasks directly within the app.Reporting: Monday offers more advanced reporting features for project status and progress, including customizable dashboards and analytics. Microsoft Planner provides basic reporting capabilities, with the ability to view task progress and completion rates. If detailed reporting is important for your team, Monday may be a better choice.User adoption: Microsoft Planner's simple interface makes it easier for new users to adopt, with minimal training required. Monday's more complex interface can take a bit more time to learn, but may offer greater benefits for teams that require advanced customization and features.In conclusion, both Microsoft Planner and Monday offer a range of capabilities for project management and organization. The choice between the two will depend on the specific needs and workflow of your team. Microsoft Planner's simple interface and integration with other Microsoft Office tools make it a good option for teams that already use these tools. Monday's greater customization options, advanced reporting features, and flexible pricing model make it a better choice for teams that require more complex workflows and capabilities.

Microsoft Planner Vs Monday: A Tale of Two Project Management Tools

The Introduction

When it comes to managing projects, every organization needs a reliable tool that can help streamline the workflow, assign tasks, and keep track of progress. In recent years, two project management tools that have gained significant popularity are Microsoft Planner and Monday. Both tools offer unique features and functionalities that can help teams collaborate effectively and achieve their goals.

The Story

Imagine you're leading a team of designers who are working on a new website for a client. You need a project management tool that can help you stay organized, assign tasks, and track progress. You've heard about both Microsoft Planner and Monday, and you're not sure which one to choose. Let's take a closer look at how each tool works:

Microsoft Planner

  • Microsoft Planner is a part of the Microsoft Office 365 suite of tools, which means it integrates seamlessly with other Microsoft apps like Teams, SharePoint, and Outlook.
  • With Microsoft Planner, you can create a new plan for your project and add tasks, due dates, and assignees.
  • You can also create checklists, attach files, and add comments to tasks to keep everyone on the same page.
  • Microsoft Planner offers a visual dashboard that gives you an overview of your project's progress, including completed tasks, upcoming deadlines, and overdue tasks.
  • You can also use the built-in calendar view to see when tasks are due and plan your team's schedule accordingly.


  • Monday is a cloud-based project management tool that offers a wide range of features to help teams collaborate effectively.
  • You can create a new board for your project and add tasks, due dates, and assignees.
  • Monday allows you to customize your workflow with different views, including a Kanban board, calendar view, and Gantt chart.
  • You can also use automation features to streamline your workflow, such as automatically assigning tasks to team members based on their skills or sending reminders when tasks are due.
  • Monday offers integrations with other tools like Slack, Google Drive, and Trello, so you can easily connect all your work in one place.

The Point of View

Both Microsoft Planner and Monday offer unique features and functionalities that can help teams collaborate effectively and achieve their goals. However, the right tool for your organization depends on your specific needs and preferences. If you're already using other Microsoft apps like Teams and SharePoint, Microsoft Planner might be the better choice since it integrates seamlessly with these tools. On the other hand, if you need a more customizable workflow and automation features, Monday might be the better fit. Ultimately, it's up to you to evaluate your options and choose the tool that best meets your project management needs.

The Table

Feature Microsoft Planner Monday
Integrations Seamless integration with other Microsoft apps like Teams, SharePoint, and Outlook Integrations with other tools like Slack, Google Drive, and Trello
Customization Basic customization options More advanced customization options, including different views and automation features
Visual Dashboard Offers a visual dashboard that gives you an overview of your project's progress Offers different views, including a Kanban board, calendar view, and Gantt chart
Collaboration Features Allows you to assign tasks, due dates, and assignees, create checklists, attach files, and add comments to tasks Offers automation features to streamline your workflow, such as automatically assigning tasks to team members based on their skills or sending reminders when tasks are due

Closing Message: Microsoft Planner Vs Monday

As we conclude this article, we hope that we have been able to provide you with a comprehensive review of Microsoft Planner and Monday. Both project management tools are designed to streamline your team's workflow and enhance productivity. However, they have their unique features and capabilities that distinguish them from each other.

If you are looking for a project management tool that is user-friendly and integrates seamlessly with Microsoft Office 365, then Microsoft Planner is an excellent choice. It is perfect for small to medium-sized businesses that want to manage their projects without a steep learning curve. Microsoft Planner is also ideal for teams that work remotely as it allows them to collaborate in real-time and stay on top of their tasks.

On the other hand, if you need an all-in-one project management tool that comes with advanced features such as time tracking, goal setting, and automation, then Monday is the best option. It offers a wide range of customization options that allow you to tailor the platform to your specific needs. Monday is best suited for large businesses that require a robust platform that can handle complex projects and workflows.

Both Microsoft Planner and Monday come with their respective strengths and weaknesses. Ultimately, the choice of which project management tool to use will depend on your business needs, budget, and preferences. We recommend that you evaluate both tools and choose the one that aligns with your organization's goals and objectives.

In conclusion, whether you choose Microsoft Planner or Monday, you can be sure that you are investing in a valuable project management tool that will help you achieve your business objectives. These tools are designed to simplify your team's workflow, increase productivity, and improve collaboration. We hope that this article has been insightful and has helped you make an informed decision about which tool to use for your next project.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. We hope that you found it informative and useful. If you have any further questions or feedback, please feel free to reach out to us. We would be happy to assist you in any way we can.

Good luck with your project management endeavors!

People Also Ask about Microsoft Planner Vs Monday

What is Microsoft Planner?

Microsoft Planner is a task management tool that allows teams to organize their work and collaborate on projects. It is part of the Office 365 suite of productivity tools and is designed to streamline team workflows.

What is Monday?

Monday is also a task management tool that enables teams to manage their work and track project progress. It offers features such as project planning, task assignment, and team collaboration. Monday is a cloud-based software that integrates with various other tools and applications.

How do Microsoft Planner and Monday differ?

While both Microsoft Planner and Monday are task management tools, they differ in several ways:

  1. Integration: Microsoft Planner is integrated with other Office 365 tools such as Teams, SharePoint, and Outlook. Monday, on the other hand, integrates with various third-party applications such as Slack, Trello, and Asana.
  2. Usability: Microsoft Planner has a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate, even for beginners. Monday, however, has a steeper learning curve and can be challenging to use at first.
  3. Customization: Microsoft Planner offers limited customization options, while Monday allows users to customize their workflows according to their specific needs.
  4. Pricing: Microsoft Planner is included in the Office 365 subscription, which starts at $5 per user per month. Monday offers various pricing plans, starting at $39 per month for a basic plan.

Which one is better for my team?

The choice between Microsoft Planner and Monday ultimately depends on your team's specific needs and preferences. If your organization already uses Office 365 and requires a simple and user-friendly task management tool, Microsoft Planner may be the better choice. However, if your team needs more customization options and integration with third-party applications, Monday may be the better fit.


Both Microsoft Planner and Monday are viable options for task management and project collaboration. It is important to evaluate your team's needs, preferences, and budget before choosing which tool to use.