Uncovering the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats of Microsoft in 2015: A Comprehensive Swot Analysis


Microsoft Corporation is one of the largest software companies in the world. The company was founded in 1975 by Bill Gates and Paul Allen, and since then, it has become a household name for personal computing. Over the years, Microsoft has faced numerous challenges and opportunities that have shaped its current position in the market. In 2015, the company conducted a SWOT analysis to identify its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This analysis provides valuable insights into the company's current status and its future prospects.

One of Microsoft's strengths is its dominant position in the operating system market. Windows is the most widely used operating system in the world, with over 1.3 billion users. The company also has a strong presence in the enterprise software market, providing solutions for businesses of all sizes. Another strength is Microsoft's financial stability. The company had a revenue of $93.6 billion and a net income of $12.2 billion in 2014, which is a testament to its financial health.

However, Microsoft also has its weaknesses. One of which is its failure to gain a significant share in the mobile phone market. Despite its efforts to catch up with Apple and Google, Microsoft's Windows Phone only has a 2% market share. The company also faces criticism for its slow response to changing market trends, such as the shift towards cloud computing. Another weakness is the company's dependency on its Windows and Office products, which accounted for 65% of its revenue in 2014.

Despite its weaknesses, Microsoft has numerous opportunities to grow and expand. One of which is the increasing demand for cloud-based services. Microsoft's Azure platform has become one of the leading cloud solutions for businesses, and the company is investing heavily in this area. Another opportunity is the growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) market. Microsoft's Windows 10 operating system includes features that support IoT devices, and the company is expected to capitalize on this trend.

However, Microsoft also faces threats that could impact its growth and profitability. One of which is the intense competition in the technology industry. The company competes with giants such as Apple, Google, and Amazon, who are all vying for a share of the market. Another threat is the increasing popularity of open-source software, which could potentially reduce demand for Microsoft's proprietary products.

In conclusion, Microsoft's SWOT analysis provides a comprehensive overview of the company's current status and future prospects. While the company has numerous strengths and opportunities, it also faces significant challenges and threats that could impact its growth and profitability. However, Microsoft's strong financial position and dominance in the operating system market give it a solid foundation to build upon, and the company's willingness to adapt to changing market trends could help it stay ahead of the competition.


Microsoft is a technology giant that has been in the industry for over four decades. Over the years, it has grown into one of the largest companies in the world with a diverse range of products and services. In this article, we will be conducting a SWOT analysis of Microsoft in 2015.


Strong Brand Recognition

Microsoft has built a strong brand over the years, which is recognized worldwide. Its products are known for their quality and reliability, making it a preferred choice for many consumers.

Diversified Product Range

Microsoft's product range includes software, hardware, and services, providing customers with a wide range of options to choose from. This diversification has helped the company to weather economic storms and remain profitable over the years.

Large Customer Base

Microsoft has a large customer base, including individuals, businesses, and governments. This has enabled the company to generate significant revenue and maintain a competitive edge in the market.

Strong Financial Position

Microsoft has a strong financial position, with high liquidity and low debt levels. This has enabled the company to invest in new technologies and expand its operations.


Dependence on Windows Operating System

Microsoft's dependence on the Windows operating system has made it vulnerable to changes in consumer preferences. As more consumers shift towards mobile devices, Microsoft's reliance on traditional PC markets has become a weakness.

High Product Development Costs

Microsoft invests heavily in research and development to maintain its competitive edge. However, this has also resulted in high product development costs, which can be a weakness if the company fails to generate sufficient revenue from its products.

Relatively Small Market Share in Mobile Devices

Microsoft has struggled to gain a significant market share in the mobile device market, where it faces stiff competition from well-established players such as Apple and Samsung. This has limited the company's growth potential in this area.


Growth in Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is a rapidly growing market, and Microsoft is well-positioned to take advantage of this trend. The company's Azure platform is already gaining popularity among businesses, and this could be an opportunity for Microsoft to expand its customer base and generate more revenue.

Expansion into Emerging Markets

Emerging markets such as China and India present a significant growth opportunity for Microsoft. The company can leverage its brand reputation and diversified product range to capture a larger share of these markets.

Increasing Demand for Artificial Intelligence

The demand for artificial intelligence (AI) is growing rapidly, and Microsoft is investing heavily in this area. The company's Cortana AI assistant is already gaining popularity, and there is enormous potential for Microsoft to capitalize on this trend.


Intense Competition

Microsoft faces intense competition from well-established players such as Apple, Google, and Amazon. These companies have significant financial resources and brand recognition, making it difficult for Microsoft to maintain its market share.

Security Threats

As a technology company, Microsoft is vulnerable to security threats such as hacking and data breaches. These threats can damage the company's reputation and result in significant financial losses.

Changing Consumer Preferences

Consumer preferences are constantly changing, and this can be a threat to Microsoft's business model. As more consumers shift towards mobile devices and cloud computing, Microsoft's traditional PC market could shrink, affecting the company's revenue and growth potential.


In conclusion, Microsoft has a strong brand reputation, diversified product range, and a large customer base. However, the company faces challenges such as dependence on the Windows operating system, high product development costs, and intense competition. Nevertheless, there are opportunities for Microsoft in areas such as cloud computing, emerging markets, and artificial intelligence. By capitalizing on these opportunities and addressing its weaknesses, Microsoft can maintain its position as one of the leading technology companies in the world.

Introduction – Brief Overview of Microsoft Swot Analysis 2015

In 2015, Microsoft was one of the largest technology companies in the world. The company had a strong presence in the PC software industry and was a household name. However, Microsoft was facing increasing competition from other tech giants such as Google, Apple, and Amazon. To evaluate Microsoft's position in the market, a SWOT analysis was conducted. This analysis focused on Microsoft's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It also looked at the company's financial performance, marketing strategy, human resource management, and research and development.

Strengths – Microsoft’s Dominance in the PC Software Industry

One of Microsoft's biggest strengths was its dominance in the PC software industry. The company's Windows operating system was used by millions of people around the world, and its Office suite of productivity tools was popular among businesses and consumers alike. In addition, Microsoft had a strong presence in the gaming industry through its Xbox console. The company's brand recognition was also a significant strength, with Microsoft being a household name in many parts of the world.

Weaknesses – Hindered Growth in Mobile Division

A weakness for Microsoft was its hindered growth in the mobile division. While the company had a presence in the smartphone market, it lagged behind competitors like Apple and Samsung. Microsoft's acquisition of Nokia's mobile phone business did not yield the results the company had hoped for, and the company struggled to gain traction in the mobile market. As a result, Microsoft's overall market share in the mobile industry remained small.

Opportunities – Emergence of Cloud Computing and Internet of Things

An opportunity for Microsoft was the emergence of cloud computing and the Internet of Things (IoT). The company had already made significant investments in cloud services such as Azure and Office 365, and these services were growing rapidly. Additionally, Microsoft was well-positioned to capitalize on the IoT trend through its Windows 10 operating system and its Azure IoT Suite. The company's expertise in software and data analytics made it a strong player in the IoT market.

Threats – Competition from Google, Apple and Amazon

Microsoft faced significant competition from other tech giants such as Google, Apple, and Amazon. These companies had a strong presence in areas such as mobile devices, search engines, and e-commerce. Additionally, many of these competitors offered cloud services that were similar to Microsoft's offerings. As a result, Microsoft needed to be innovative and stay ahead of the competition to remain relevant in the market.

Financial Analysis – Strong Financial Performance and Steady Profit Margins

From a financial perspective, Microsoft had a strong performance in 2015. The company's revenue increased by 8% compared to the previous year, and its net income was $12.2 billion. Microsoft also had steady profit margins, with a gross margin of 63.3% and an operating margin of 26.2%. The company's balance sheet was healthy, with $102.7 billion in cash and short-term investments.

Marketing Strategy – Focus on Innovation and Customer Satisfaction

Microsoft's marketing strategy focused on innovation and customer satisfaction. The company invested heavily in research and development to create new products and services that would meet the needs of its customers. Additionally, Microsoft focused on ensuring that its products and services were easy to use and provided a positive customer experience. The company also had a strong social media presence, which helped it to connect with its customers and build brand loyalty.

Human Resource Management – Attracting and Retaining Technically Skilled Employees

Human resource management was another area of focus for Microsoft. The company recognized the importance of attracting and retaining technically skilled employees to remain competitive in the industry. To achieve this, Microsoft offered competitive compensation packages, flexible work arrangements, and opportunities for career development and advancement. The company also had a strong focus on diversity and inclusion, recognizing that a diverse workforce was essential for innovation and success.

Research and Development – Ongoing Investment in Research and Development

Microsoft's ongoing investment in research and development was a critical factor in its success. The company recognized that innovation was essential to remain competitive in the market and invested heavily in R&D to create new products and services. In 2015, Microsoft spent $12.0 billion on R&D, which represented 13% of its total revenue. This investment helped the company to stay ahead of the competition and create new opportunities for growth.

Conclusion – Overall Assessment of Microsoft’s Swot Analysis 2015

In conclusion, Microsoft's SWOT analysis in 2015 revealed that the company had several strengths, including its dominance in the PC software industry and its strong financial performance. However, the company also faced significant challenges, such as hindered growth in the mobile division and increasing competition from other tech giants. Despite these challenges, Microsoft had several opportunities, including the emergence of cloud computing and the Internet of Things. To remain competitive, Microsoft needed to continue to invest in research and development, focus on customer satisfaction, and attract and retain technically skilled employees. Overall, Microsoft's SWOT analysis in 2015 provided valuable insights into the company's position in the market and the challenges and opportunities it faced.

Microsoft Swot Analysis 2015

The Strengths of Microsoft

Microsoft is a technology giant that has been at the forefront of innovation for decades. The company has many strengths, including:

  • Strong brand recognition and reputation
  • Diverse range of products and services
  • Large market share in operating systems and productivity software
  • Strong financial position with high profitability
  • Large and loyal customer base

The Weaknesses of Microsoft

Despite its strengths, Microsoft also has weaknesses that it must address to remain competitive:

  • Slow adoption of new technologies
  • Reliance on traditional products and services
  • Perceived lack of innovation in recent years
  • Difficulty competing in mobile and cloud computing markets
  • Perceived lack of user-friendliness in some products

The Opportunities for Microsoft

Microsoft has several opportunities that it can capitalize on to grow and expand its business:

  • Expansion into emerging markets such as China and India
  • Increasing demand for cloud computing services
  • Growing demand for mobile devices and applications
  • Increased adoption of artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies
  • Expansion into new industries such as healthcare and finance

The Threats to Microsoft

Microsoft also faces threats that could impact its business and market position:

  • Intense competition from companies such as Apple, Google, and Amazon
  • Continued shift towards mobile computing and away from traditional PCs
  • Increased security threats and concerns
  • Changes in government regulations and policies
  • Economic downturns and fluctuations in global markets

Point of View about Microsoft Swot Analysis 2015

Overall, Microsoft's Swot Analysis in 2015 reveals that the company has many strengths that it can leverage to remain competitive in the technology industry. However, it also faces significant challenges, particularly in the areas of mobile and cloud computing. To maintain its market position and grow its business, Microsoft must continue to innovate and adapt to changing technologies and customer needs.

One area where Microsoft has been successful in recent years is in its cloud computing services, which have seen strong growth and adoption. The company should continue to invest in this area and expand its offerings to remain competitive with other cloud providers.

In addition, Microsoft should focus on improving its user-friendliness and perceived level of innovation in its products. This could help to attract new customers and retain existing ones, particularly in the areas of mobile and productivity software.

Overall, while Microsoft faces significant challenges and threats, it also has many opportunities to grow and expand its business. With a focus on innovation and adaptation, the company can continue to be a major player in the technology industry for years to come.

Keywords Description
Strengths Internal factors that give an advantage to the company
Weaknesses Internal factors that put the company at a disadvantage
Opportunities External factors that can be leveraged for growth and expansion
Threats External factors that pose a risk to the company's business

Closing Message for Blog Visitors About Microsoft SWOT Analysis 2015

As we come to the end of our analysis, it is clear that Microsoft has made significant strides in addressing its weaknesses and capitalizing on its strengths. The tech giant has shown remarkable resilience in the face of intense competition, adapting to changes in the market and evolving trends in technology.

Microsoft's strengths in innovation, brand recognition, and market share have all contributed to its success. The company's ability to adapt to changing market conditions and pursue strategic partnerships with other technology giants has also been a key factor in its continued growth.

However, Microsoft still faces several challenges, including the rise of cloud-based technologies, growing competition from Apple and Google, and the need to diversify its product offerings. These challenges will require Microsoft to continue to innovate and evolve, both in terms of product development and business strategy.

Overall, Microsoft's SWOT analysis reveals a company that is well-positioned for future growth and success. By addressing its weaknesses and capitalizing on its strengths, Microsoft has positioned itself as a leader in the technology industry, and one that is likely to continue to dominate in the years to come.

As we wrap up this analysis, it is important to note that Microsoft's success is not only a product of its innovative products and services, but also its commitment to customer satisfaction. The company's dedication to providing top-notch customer service and support has helped it build a loyal customer base, and one that is likely to continue to grow in the years to come.

Whether you are a current or prospective Microsoft customer, it is clear that the company is committed to providing you with the best possible products and services. By staying ahead of the curve in terms of innovation and technology, Microsoft is ensuring that it remains a leader in the industry, and one that you can rely on for years to come.

So, as we conclude this analysis, we encourage you to continue to follow Microsoft's progress and stay up-to-date on the latest trends and developments in the technology industry. With its commitment to innovation, customer satisfaction, and growth, Microsoft is sure to remain a force to be reckoned with in the years to come.

Thank you for taking the time to read our SWOT analysis of Microsoft. We hope that you have gained valuable insights into the company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, and that you are better equipped to make informed decisions about your technology needs.

People Also Ask About Microsoft SWOT Analysis 2015

What is a SWOT analysis?

A SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool that identifies the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of a company or organization.

What are the strengths of Microsoft in 2015?

Some of Microsoft's strengths in 2015 were:

  • Strong brand recognition and reputation
  • Large market share in operating systems and office productivity software
  • Robust financial performance
  • Strong R&D capabilities

What were the weaknesses of Microsoft in 2015?

Some of Microsoft's weaknesses in 2015 were:

  • Limited presence in the smartphone market
  • Dependency on the PC market
  • Perception of being less innovative compared to competitors
  • Complexity of some products

What were the opportunities for Microsoft in 2015?

Some of Microsoft's opportunities in 2015 were:

  • Growth potential in the cloud computing market
  • Potential expansion into the mobile device market
  • Increase in demand for digital transformation solutions
  • Potential acquisition of complementary technologies

What were the threats to Microsoft in 2015?

Some of Microsoft's threats in 2015 were:

  • Intense competition from established companies and start-ups
  • Changes in technology and user behavior
  • Increased regulation and legal challenges
  • Dependency on key partners and suppliers

How did Microsoft address these SWOT factors in 2015?

Microsoft addressed these SWOT factors in 2015 by:

  • Expanding its cloud computing offerings, such as Azure and Office 365
  • Launching new devices, such as the Surface Pro 4 and Lumia smartphones
  • Investing in innovative projects, such as HoloLens and Windows 10
  • Partnering with other companies, such as Dell and Nokia, to enhance its offerings

What is the current SWOT analysis of Microsoft?

The current SWOT analysis of Microsoft shows that the company's strengths include its strong brand recognition, financial performance, and R&D capabilities. Its weaknesses include its limited presence in the smartphone market and dependency on the PC market. Its opportunities include the growth potential in the cloud computing market and potential expansion into the mobile device market. Its threats include intense competition and changes in technology and user behavior.